The time has come for all those who are interested to add their city to the RaCon Nation!
All you need is 2 or more people who wish to meet and engage in art, a commitment to meet on the second Sunday of every month, and a location to meet. That’s it!
Once you’ve gathered a friend or two and have found a location for your meetings, email RaCon Nation ( and request your own section of this substack.
Include in your email:
The names and email addresses of 2 founding members (who will be the Mayors of their group)
The information necessary for someone to get to the meeting (location, etc)
City and State
Shortly after you contact us, we will send you instructions on what to do next.
Because the time and location of meetings will be publicly available, we highly recommend a public venue for your location. A few ideas:
Your local library.
Partner with a local small business: coffee shops, craft stores, gaming locations, paint your own pottery, etc.
Contact the parks department of your city or county and ask if they have space that can be booked for events.
Community theaters: they may have their own space, or they may know of available spaces in the area.
Churches: however the meetings take place on Sunday which makes it unlikely the space will be available.
Look at area flyers and such to see where other people are holding their events and see if the venue they are using would be appropriate for yours.
So you sign up a new group, then what happens?
A new section will be created for each group and its mayors will be given access to publish to that section. Your section will serve as a newsletter for your local group to post meeting updates, agendas, artwork, whatever you like! Members can then subscribe to this umbrella substack as well as the section for the group they are a part of.
Then you meet on the second Sunday of every month to craft or otherwise engage in art! We do ask the groups generally meet at the same time to facilitate any nationwide events that may occur in the future. Meetings occur 10am-1pm PST, but adjust for your local time zone.
What are the benefits?
The main focus of RaCon is to build your local community. Your RaCon group will be what you make of it.
But by joining the larger RaCon Nation, you will have the benefit of an established social media following to help you find new members, and a means of communicating both locally and nationally.
As we grow, we hope to be able to do nationwide events across different groups such as art competitions, guest speakers, and the like. We are also looking into the logistics of opening an online shop to give all the artists a consolidated place to sell their work.
If you have something from your group that you would like to share with the entire RaCon Nation, email the draft to for publication to the umbrella site.
Is there money involved?
At this time, no.
There may be some costs associated with any given individual group depending on the location of the meetings and any activities they wish to engage in. It will be up to the group mayors to decide how to handle the finances of their group while we’re in the early stages of building RaCon Nation.
We will be looking into the logistics of using Substack paid content to assist those groups that have costs to cover, as well as to provide an outlet for exclusive content created by RaCon artists.
It is entirely possible that we will want to begin to offer features and events that will require some funds and need to switch to a paid membership, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.